View Profile wohoo19m

23 Art Reviews

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Loving the watercolors!

Those tiger eyes are just piercing through my soul!

Fuck yeah! All that texture goodness! I love when I can discover all sorts of little details through various layers. Great work!

His senses aren't the only thing that's tingling. *baddum tsss*

Now this is my jam! You've really nailed your own style and it's definitely something special. I've read other people's comparing it to Hirohiko Araki (Jojo)'s style, but there's also a little bit extra. Definitely earned a follow from this guy!

Ellyrieve-LVK responds:

Thank you!! Judging by Hirohiko Araki's commentary in "Manga in Theory and Practice" I would say that we both have very similar staring points and references - we both seem to draw on a lot of fashion stuff and 80's/ 90's references.

A lot of 90's era Image comics (Jim Lee, Marc Silvestri, Brett Booth etc) has bled into my style though lol. They were the first fanart commissions I had in my career and I've grown a soft spot for them generally over the years I have been working. I only stared to draw hair like that after inking some Brett Booth fanart pieces XD

Wow! I really like the traditional feel of this piece. Welcome to Newgrounds!

Ellyrieve-LVK responds:

Thank you!!!!! I might do some more stuff in this style soon - I've just transitioned from Photoshop to Clip and I swear Clip has a far better brush engine for this type of art :)

This is badass! Really good job on the pixel art shading style. Even thought of putting the reflection in the puddle! *chefs kiss*

This looks fantastic! Really gives off a final fantasy concept art piece vibe to it. Good work!

Kamikaye responds:

thx :) Final Fantasy always was inspiring to me

Oh shit, that's creepy af! haha It's giving me Salad Finger vibes. Good job!

Duuuuuuuddeee the inks are sick in this!! I love the clear graphic shapes and bold colors. I would totally dig a comic in this style.

Just a dude with a newly discovered passion for making comics!

Age 41, Male

Comic Artist


Joined on 10/5/04

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