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5 Movie Reviews w/ Response

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The project I dreamt of making

I had actually tought of making something like this. You've done an incredible job. Keep it up, can't wait to see the next parts, I'm off to check out the first episodes now hehe.

Trixiaoyu responds:

lol well you don't have 2 dream anymore... this has become a reality!!
Thanks for the Review ^^

Excellent graphics

The animation was superb. I was kind of dissapointed at the lack of story though. I sure hope part 2 is worth the wait. Good job none the less.

Super-Blackball responds:

thanks much appriciated dont worry episode 2 will trounce this one lol


That was awsome for 2 days work. Really good job, keep it up. Invent your own characters now and you'll be set :)

Jeibi responds:

Thank you for the comments. I do have tons of my own characters, but I want to get better at Flash before releasing them. I still want to master using Symbols and lip synch and such. Plus, a better microphone for dialogue...

Kick ass!

That was some smooth animation. I really liked it. Except for the ending. It just didn't do it for me. Other than that, superb work. One thing, why didn't The_Glacius submit this instead of you Maza?

Rajunen responds:

Well, The_Glacius' connection and PC are crappy and I had the final version of the movie, so it was easier to submit from my computer. And in the end, it doesn't really matter, as long as he gets more credit than me.

humor attempt= failed

Sorry dude, but that was pretty bad. I can see you tried to make it funny, but it wasn't... at all. Also some of the speech went by so fast that I didn't even have time to read what was going on. Keep practicing.

SuperYoshi responds:

Well I put it slower than my reading speed. Sorry, but still. It doesn't deserve a 2.

Just a dude with a newly discovered passion for making comics!

Age 41, Male

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