View Profile wohoo19m

30 Movie Reviews

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This was just like dating in real life!

Getting better

I don`t comment a lot on movies. But I gotta give you props. Your animation skills have gotten better. It adds a lot of quality to your movie. Good stuff, keep it up! Yours is a series I look forward for new episodes.


Finally, a fresh style, and something worth putting into my favs. That must have taken a hell of alot of planning, cudos to you. You`ve just gained a fan.

The project I dreamt of making

I had actually tought of making something like this. You've done an incredible job. Keep it up, can't wait to see the next parts, I'm off to check out the first episodes now hehe.

Trixiaoyu responds:

lol well you don't have 2 dream anymore... this has become a reality!!
Thanks for the Review ^^

Poor quality

Next time, try and do actual animation instead of only using tweens and scene cuts, it will bring ALOT more quality to your animations.

Also, you hold certain scenes for too long. Like that door opening when the android is coming out of it, that took FOREVER!!

Basically, you've been testing the wrong things to make a great animation. You have potential, really, but you still have a ways to go.

Pretty good

I love just about everything about it. I say just about because your audio went by way too fast. If you wanted "whiny" voices, you should of talked slower when makign the audio. I understood the basic story, but I missed alot of the dialogue. That happens when 3-4 sentences fly by in 2 secs. If you remade this with slower dialogue, it would seriously kick ass.

Kinda boring

The animation was pretty good, but other than that, boring. Get an original concept and work at it.

Looks promising

I was just wondering, why such a huge filesize? Did you just decide to not compress your music?

Just a dude with a newly discovered passion for making comics!

Age 41, Male

Comic Artist


Joined on 10/5/04

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