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30 Movie Reviews

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I liked it

Well I'm surprised that I actually like a stick movie. But this one had something. Develop a story with it. I kinda got that madness vibe from it. If you made it longer with a plot it could be something great. Keep it up, your animation was also amazing.

Very nice

I liked it alot. Goes to show how much difference a wacom tablet can make. I'd like to see more of that pig character.

Needs music

I tought it was pretty nice for a sprite movie. Too bad it didn't have any music though, it would of made the fight better :) good job though.

Excellent graphics

The animation was superb. I was kind of dissapointed at the lack of story though. I sure hope part 2 is worth the wait. Good job none the less.

Super-Blackball responds:

thanks much appriciated dont worry episode 2 will trounce this one lol

Un freakin believable...

We got a futur number one here...very good job.


That was awsome for 2 days work. Really good job, keep it up. Invent your own characters now and you'll be set :)

Jeibi responds:

Thank you for the comments. I do have tons of my own characters, but I want to get better at Flash before releasing them. I still want to master using Symbols and lip synch and such. Plus, a better microphone for dialogue...


That was pretty good dude! One of the best I've seen today. Keep practicing and you'll get better.

Kick ass!

That was some smooth animation. I really liked it. Except for the ending. It just didn't do it for me. Other than that, superb work. One thing, why didn't The_Glacius submit this instead of you Maza?

Rajunen responds:

Well, The_Glacius' connection and PC are crappy and I had the final version of the movie, so it was easier to submit from my computer. And in the end, it doesn't really matter, as long as he gets more credit than me.


Best bunch of random crap I've seen. Made me want to eat pringles....

Just a dude with a newly discovered passion for making comics!

Age 41, Male

Comic Artist


Joined on 10/5/04

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