View Profile wohoo19m

30 Movie Reviews

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needs improvement

Your animation style isn't quite at the madness combat level yet, but it ain't bad. And please put a stop script at your last frame so your movie doesn't continually loop. Keep practicing and I'm sure you'll be at the madness combat level someday.


Very nice work for only using a mouse. And I know, I'm currently developping a movie and I'm also using only a mouse. Keep up the good work buddy, amazingly directed.

humor attempt= failed

Sorry dude, but that was pretty bad. I can see you tried to make it funny, but it wasn't... at all. Also some of the speech went by so fast that I didn't even have time to read what was going on. Keep practicing.

SuperYoshi responds:

Well I put it slower than my reading speed. Sorry, but still. It doesn't deserve a 2.

Pretty good

That was some pretty damn good work there. You've got some nice effects in there. Keep it up.

Could of been better...

First off, in your preloader, use something that can tell us how far along in the download we are. Not knowing gives us a "Oh fuck it" kind of mentality. Especially since I'm on a dial up connection right now. Oh and get those faces out of the movie in the dialog boxes. They ruin the movie IMO. The idea wasn't too bad though. Keep practicing.


Stick battles are just way overdone, You shouldn't have submited that at all. I'm not trying to insult you, but next time, come up with something that at least has a plot. Your animation was pretty smooth though I'll say that much.

Random violence-a-plenty

Nice bit of random crap there dude. Must of been fun to make that one. This could very well make a series. I can see it now : "Dad drives".


This movie had unbelievable animation. Even if the movie had sucked, I'd still be impressed as hell by the smoothness of the animation. The cartoon style kicks ass! The sound was equally as impressive. Good job you guys, I'll look forward to futur submissions.

Just a dude with a newly discovered passion for making comics!

Age 41, Male

Comic Artist


Joined on 10/5/04

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